Online commerce

electricity dropshipping

Do you want an online trade without investing in stock?

Increase your product catalog by growing your business

If we have revolutionized the way we make the cables, how are we going to look for a more collaborative way of selling? In Cables TS we want to continue doing what we like, manufacture cables and new lamp designs. That is why we find our distributors strategic partners, regardless of whether they base their business model on the traditional market or online.

In Cables TS, we offer you to grow your business without limitations of logistics, we send to 21 countries in Europe, the United States and Latin America, so that you create your online business or expand your catalog by selecting our products, without having them in your own warehouse . When you sell the product, we take care of packaging it and sending it to the buyer.

You save in logistics, you will save on human resources and you will obtain greater benefits.

Remember, Dropshipping is a highly lucrative business opportunity for entrepreneurs. The good thing is that it does not have a barrier to entry and anyone with little or no investment can easily enter the market. It is practical and convenient for anyone who wants to start their e-commerce store.

However, it is honest to say that having an online business involves the same dedication as having a physical one.

Part of your business success will depend on your investments in advertising, mailing campaigns and actions on social networks. Quality TS and Logistics are handled by TS Cables.

dropshipping cables ts

Your customer places the order on your website or platform.

Replicas the order of your client to Cables TS

We prepare the order and send it to your client.

Your customer receives the order at your home.

We synchronize stock every 60 ‘, so that our stock is your stock.

Shipping in 24 hours.

Shipping in 24Hs. and in less than a week to all Europe *.

without minimum order

without minimum order Because we know that nobody started with 100 daily sales.

Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics We accept returns on your behalf.

Services that suit you

We work logistics from a global perspective.

At Cables TS we have the necessary resources to help you in your business. Therefore, our work begins with you, analyzing and understanding your situation and current needs. Knowing this information we can offer customized solutions tailored to suit your company.

I + D + i

In a world in constant development and increasingly globalized, innovation is part of our DNA

At Cables TS we have computerized our management processes to be more efficient, providing flexibility and integration flexibility to our customers.

Reverse logistics

An excellent after-sales service essential for the loyalty of your customers.

For those moments in which your client needs you, we manage in full the changes and returns of the products. Our priority will always be that the consumer experience is totally satisfactory, so that your valuation as a seller is the best.

reverse logist

Your client requests a change or return.

We review the contents of the package.

The procedures of return or change are prepared.

Your customer receives the new order or return.

    Alta Clientes Dropshipping

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    Persona de Contacto






    Donde vendes:

    Web 1:
    Web 2:

    He leído y acepto los Avisos legales
    Con la finalidad de hacer efectivos los servicios que se presten, Cables Textiles del Sur S.L. procederá a la recogida de datos de carácter personal, los cuales serán tratados de conformidad con lo establecido en la normativa vigente relativa a la Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y demás normas de desarrollo. Los datos facilitados se incluirán en un fichero automatizado de datos de carácter personal que ha sido debidamente inscrito en la Agencia de Protección de Datos. El cliente consiente a Cables Textiles del Sur S.L. expresamente, por la contratación de dichos servicios, la cesión, para la mejor prestación del servicio, de los datos de carácter personal contenidos en el fichero automatizado a los fines de confección de facturas y mantenimiento de la relación comercial.

    El usuario presta su consentimiento expreso e inequívoco que para el tratamiento de los datos recogidos con la finalidad prevista en el párrafo anterior se efectúe a través del proveedor de servicios contratado por Cables Textiles del Sur S.L. cuyo servidor se encuentra localizado en Europa, comunidad económica que cumple todas las normas relativas a la protección de datos de carácter personal, teniendo, a través de la compañía QYZ Imagen e Ideas Creativas.

    Cables Textiles del Sur S.L. se compromete al cumplimiento de su obligación de secreto de los datos de carácter personal y de su deber de guardarlos, y adoptará las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta en todo momento del estado de la tecnología. Como único responsable del fichero, Cables Textiles del Sur S.L. se compromete a guardar secreto respecto de los datos contenidos en el mismo, de acuerdo con al legislación aplicable al efecto, pudiendo el cliente ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación y, en su caso, cancelación, enviando una carta junto con la fotocopia de su DNI a la siguiente dirección: Cables Textiles del Sur S.L., C/ Blas Infante, 11 29567 Alozaina – Málaga